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Smash box foundation review

I don't know what persuaded me to do it but I bought a Smashbox liquid Halo foundation on a whim.

I don't normally turn to Smashbox for foundation so this is a weird one. I am normally the type to sample pot a foundation for a few weeks then purchase so buying this one blind having read no reviews, seen no samples or even tested it on my hand - is a big one.

I do know some MUAs who love it. I was confident that it wouldn't be that bad if I did hate it.

I got my shade by fluke as I don't know Smashbox shades! I've been wearing it all week and I have yet to figure it out. I tried it with the primer underneath to see what I thought. It was okay but not great. I find that the Smashbox primer underneath makes it incredibly matte. In fact it was so matte that I wondered what I had done! How was I going to wear this incredibly matte foundation.

I then decided that I would take off the primer and try it without. I am not one of those girls (anyone reading this blog will of course know this) who HAS to have a primer. In fact, I hate them. I only have the Smashbox one because I got it for crazy cheap (£4.50 - don't ask and yes it is real and no it is not hot goods!!) and for that price, why not? So I wore it without.

I found that it was dewy when I removed the primer! I would say about a medium to full coverage but not as high a coverage as Studio Fix from MAC.

I do hate the packaging. Its very bulky and heavy for a foundation. You feel this in your make up bag. I am not a fan of weighty products because when you have a carry kit then you feel the difference in your arms!

Jury is out on the long term of this product. Right now, I really like it. I would totally buy this again given how easy it is to apply and it seems to be lasting quite well. I am not sure how much it is to buy full price so I am going to guesstimate about £25?

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