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Mussels, Mummers, and Mainlanders


Hey me ducky, me and the missus were out mummering last night, and on the way home we stopped to the pub, I tell you the place was maggoty with mainlanders! We had such the time we're going again tonight, you want to come?

Maggoty - in large numbers.

Mainlander - one who lives in continental North America or its adjacent islands outside Newfoundland and Labrador.

Make away with - to kill.

Me ducky - a friendly way to address someone.

Missus - wife.

Mudder - mother.

Mummer - a disguised person who goes door to door during the 12 days of Christmas to have fun and merriment. (also called janney)

I'm happy to report that the semester is over, and that I finished it off with an 81 average! WAHOO!! I'm not done yet, still have one hurdle to jump before they let me graduate, a seven stage comprehensive (Tuesday afternoon) that requires a minimum mark of 70. I'm blocking off a few hours today to blog hop, then back to it.

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