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Many Sundry Things

January 29, 2012

Some quipster once said, "It's not the speed of life that scares me...it's the sudden stop at the end."

Aye. Right. It's the speed of life! I swear I jinxed myself by declaring my intention to cut back on my workload. It's not happening and I feel like a hamster on a wheel. It might not be that bad in real life, but it FEELS that way.

Let's see. What's been going on in my world....

I'm on Brenda Williamson's An Eclectic Author blog today with A Cat Named Hercules. I'll be Brenda's guest blogger with a regular bi-monthly slot on the 29th of the month.

Have you signed up for the 2012 A to Z Blogging Challenge yet? I have. This is not the cakewalk you might think. Twenty-six blogs in thirty days on topics that follow the alphabet. Many will begin, few will finish. Are you one of the elite?

FINISHED!! The manuscript of Leather Jackets is finished. Now it gets a few passes to check for typos and continuity, then it will be time to fill out the publisher forms and send it all in. And let me just add it's done well ahead of my March 1, 2012 deadline, so I want an "atta girl," please. If you've read A Cat Named Hercules, you should be able to figure out who this story is about as this is number six in the Men of Marionville series. The series is going on hiatus after Leather Jackets so I can finish up some other projects, including the next Sundown story.

Work on my family tree is going well. I connected with a [distant] cousin and she's great. It's been fun. I've been turned on to a website called "Find A Grave." Lot's of info there. My partner and I have new destinations when we simply want to get out of the house for an hour or two - cemeteries.

Next weekend, Eye of the Beholder goes live. Yes, it's a little soon after A Cat Named Hercules, and it's my fault. I turned it in to the scheduling guru too soon. I should have waited until the day Herc went on sale. I mean, I don't even have the page on my website done so you can check it out. Bad KC. But you and check out what I have here. Eye of the Beholder is something different for me - a short piece of only 11K words. Short, smutty and fun to write.

It's Hammer time! I got a new blue urethane Hammer. That's a bowling ball for those of you who don't bowl. For those of you who do, I had to move my feet and my target five boards left. This ball can snap on the back end if you get the right speed on it. You've been warned.

So there it is. The last couple of weeks in a nutshell. One month of the New Year has [all but] passed. Amazing.

Until next time..


Eye of the Beholder is now available at
Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes/Apple, Kobo
and other online booksellers

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