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Chaos cult army list thoughts part 2 - World Eaters

Hi chaps, time for part 2 of my cult army analysis. This time we will be focussing on Khorne as a cult and as before I should emphasise this will focus more on fluff than balance/gemeplay etc. One point to make relating to the Thousand Sons article first. I emphasised the fact that I was trying to build a Thousand sons army rather than a Tzeentch army. Obviously you can build a Tzeentch army including all manner of units in order to represent various followers of the God. TS are special in that case as they were psychically attuned before succumbing to Chaos and also are unique due to the rubric. The aim therefore was to build an army list representing the TS specifically, which the codex just about manages with restrictions. 

On to Khorne now. I will say that this could be a specific World eaters (WE) army or alternatively a generic Khorne army, as the main point is to reconcile both the fluff and rules between the cult units and the rest of the army. Beserkers are fearless, furious charge, MoK (rage and counter attack) with options for an icon of wrath (FC and reroll charge range) and VOTLW. They also only come with BP and CCW with options to upgrade to an AP4 chainaxe. Lastly, they get the typical stat boost for a cult unit with WS5. As a general point I like the fact VOTLW is optional even on cult units (TS being the exception) as it follows the fluff in that cult units may be from renegade chapters rather than the legions of old.

Unlike Thousand Sons it is my opinion that the cult units reconcile rather well with the rest of the army when trying to build a World eaters or Khorne army. The main exception to this is, as will become a running theme throughout the articles, terminators. When we look at say the basic CSM, it is possible to represent a beserker for the most part. Replace the bolter for a CCW at no cost, add a mark of khorne and icon of wrath and you mostly have a beserker squad. All you are missing is fearless and WS5. From a fluff perspective this is not so big a deal. What you have is the difference essentially between a standard WE/khorne trooper and a totally devout veteran. Even if you decide to give chainaxes as upgrades it again represents the veterans, in this case the cult units, getting the pick of the wargear. With Thousand Sons it was a lot harder to reconcile this as there’s little reason Rubricae marines in terminator armour (surely the more experienced veterans) would not have inferno bolts while the standard infantry do.

Speaking of terminator armour, the terminators are again granted the same options as normal marines, yet the thing bothering me with this is again why the esteemed veterans in terminator armour are of a lower weapon skill than their beserker comrades. It can be justified in fluff to an extent with the more bloodthirsty and devout marines not wanting to be slowed by terminator armour but still it would have been nice to have the option. Raptors also make nice ‘almost beserkers’ and add to the overall theme of a brutal assault army, as do bikes.

In conclusion the World Eaters army fits better with the new codex than a Thousand Sons army does. However, one of the standout errors in the book for me so far upon looking into things in depth is that it would have been a much better choice IMO to remove terminators from the book entirely, leaving terminator armour options on the chosen and cult marines, simply ruling that cult marines in TDA couldn’t score. (Would also have allowed Abbadonwing) Again, the deed is done so no point complaining about it – I just see some missed oppurtunities. Here’s a 2000pt example World Eaters list:


Terminator armour, Axe of blind fury, MoK
MoK, IoW, 2 Combi, H. flamer, LC, Chainfist.
Power axe, plasma pistol
Power axe, plasma pistol
Power axe, plasma pistol
Power axe, plasma pistol
MoK, 2 meltas, IoW, power axe

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